English Language Education & Assessment Policy In Nepal
English Language Policy in Nepal, Language Assessment in Nepal, History of English in NepalAbstract
This paper explores the history of English language education in Nepal. Unlike many former colonies, Nepal's English education has a unique background. Despite lacking a formal colonial legacy, English education in Nepal is intricately linked to the nation's development and is shaped by historical, socio-economic, and educational factors. The paper delves into the early influences and milestones of English language education in Nepal. English first entered the country in the 17th century through European missionaries. It gained prominence in trade and diplomacy.
A turning point came in the mid-19th century with the leadership of Junga Bahadur Rana. Inspired by his visit to Britain, Rana mandated English language training and established Darbar School. Tri Chandra School, founded in 1918, became Nepal's first university with English as the medium of instruction, though it primarily served the elite class. The paper then examines the shifting policies and the rise of assessment in English language education. In the 1950s, there was a policy shift towards Nepali as the medium of instruction, with English remaining a mandatory subject. Today, the emphasis on English reflects its perceived importance for social mobility and career prospects. This has led to the rise of private institutions that integrate English into their curriculum. Assessment also plays a crucial role. The National Education Act (2019) emphasizes learner-centered approaches and a focus on communicative competence (listening, speaking, reading, writing).
However, the paper highlights challenges and considerations in assessment. The shift from grammar-based instruction to a skill-based approach necessitates reevaluating assessment practices. There are concerns about whether the assessment system aligns with language policies and how it impacts teaching and learning outcomes. The high-stakes nature of external examinations, particularly the SEE, puts immense pressure on students and teachers, potentially narrowing the focus of education. The paper concludes by calling for further research, particularly on the development and construction processes of high-stakes examinations in Nepal. Understanding the design and implementation of these exams is crucial for informed policy decisions.
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